This is my part of an aborted round-robin explaining why Soval was sent to Earth as its Ambassador.



T'Pau entered the chambers, most were here and some entered with her. She looked around the room, at the older faces.

Councilor Skylk spoke, "The meeting will come to order."

She took her place as the others did. A few looked to her, others looked to their notes or tea... looking anywhere but at her. Most seemed prepared for another day of debate and a hum ran through the room as last minute business was conducted before T'Pau took the podium.

"Ruler T'Pau, it is your decision that will reign."

T'Pau, ruler of Vulcan, stood, "Vulcan will join the Federation." She was inwardly satisfied at the sudden silence and the raised eyebrows some had showed. They had been prepared for more discussion... more convincing. "However, this council must choose another to serve Vulcan. I will not accept the Federation Council's seat."

Councilor Skon visibly started when T'Pau, his mother, made her pronouncement. "Then who will serve on this Federation Council? It is vital that Vulcan's views be voiced."

T'Pau turned her steely gaze to him and stated, "You will, Councilor Skon. And you will appoint an Ambassador to assist you. Do what you have to, to make our views known to these...humans." With that, she left the council chambers, not in anger, but purposefully.


Skon sat at his desk, pouring over possible candidates for the role of Ambassador to Earth. One file finally reached his eyes...that of Soval. He had been in the diplomatic corp. for many years, most notably on Tellar. Soval's emotional controls were...precarious, which made him the perfect choice for serving on that volatile world. If he needed to yell to get the Tellarites' attention, he was able to do so, and convincingly too. Yes, Skon thought, he would be perfect for working with these illogical, emotional beings. Leaning forward, he made the subspace call that would recall Ambassador Soval.

On Tellar, Soval read the communication that had been sent hours before by Skon. He was to return to Vulcan immediately. The summons surprised him; he thought he was doing a good job representing Vulcan. As per orders, he assigned duties to his aide until the replacing Ambassador arrived to take over. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't bring Silen with him as his services as his aide were most acceptable, but that was the way of an Ambassador. Break in one aide, only to be assigned another.

En route to Earth after a brief stopover on Vulcan to be briefed, Soval read as much as he could find about this Federation of Planets, and Earth. He, of course, had heard rumours while he was on Tellar, but had convinced himself that only a very senior diplomat would be assigned to this new ally. He was wrong. En route to Vulcan, he received another communication as well as dossiers as soon as he boarded the warp shuttle that he was to be the Ambassador to Earth. He also had the duties of Ambassador to the Federation until Councilor Skon, now Ambassador Skon, could join him. Apparently, he had business to attend to on Vulcan that would take him up to a year to complete. The order had come from Skon himself and signed by T'Pau! Remarkable, he thought. He spent the rest of the two days studying his new assignment...and meditating.

From what Soval read, there were to be several planets that would ally together, sharing resources, science, and protection. This protection would come in the form of a military entity known as...Starfleet. The planets that have agreed to this are Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, Andor and Alpha Centauri. There was to be a sixth, but no name was in the documentation he received. He put down the padd, and leaned back. Protection? How could the non-violent Vulcans protect anyone? He could just hear the questions that would be asked of him in this Federation Council, especially from the Tellarites and Andorians. Perhaps, duties could be divided up between the member worlds...with Tellar, Earth, and Andor handling the protection duties. Vulcan could share their science as they had very little else to offer...except sand.

He would do everything in his power to see that this Federation succeeded, but he was skeptical about working with Humans. They seemed more volatile than any Tellarite, but in a subdued way. They were emotion beings, to be sure, but they had a logic all their own as well. Working on this planet was going to be...interesting.

Once on Earth, he was taken to the Vulcan compound. He knew that Vulcans had been on Earth for about 90 years, but now there was to be this...Federation that formalized their presence here. Soval's aide was a competent, if arrogant man in his late 90's, and the female, T'Pol, was cold, even for Vulcan standards. But Soval was determined to make this work.

He set up his embassy in an old mansion close to where the Federation Council chambers would be. He was secretly glad when T'Pol asked to remain aboard one of the Starfleet vessels as Science Officer. He was never completely comfortable around her, and now, she was making life...interesting for the humans on board that ship. He smiled slightly when he approved her request.

Soon, there would be many embassies around his, and many debates in the Council Chambers. Soval mused on what would be in the future...and wondered.